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About Kendall Scott

My name is Kendall Scott,  and I am the owner of Happily Speaking, a practice offering Speech and Language therapy services. My career spans over 25+ years. I come to you offering diverse skills and experience from working in multiple settings: home-based, private practice, hospital acute/sub-acute rehabilitation, school, and skilled nursing facilities.  Managing caseloads ranging from infant to adult populations; I provide therapy services ranging from: articulation and phonological disorders, cognitive, language, alternative communication, feeding and swallowing, dysfluency, as well as vocal coaching therapies. Becoming a Speech and Language Pathologist was a dream fulfilled because advocating, chatting,  and socializing have always been by strong suits. One’s voice is one’s power! I could not imagine being ashamed of my voice, or not having the ability to speak up for myself. It is a gift I wanted to give to others. As a locksmith masters the right combination and design to create a unique fissure and key to fit different doors; I, along with each family and child, combine my education, experience, therapy strategies,  use various tools to find each individual's key(s) to unlock the door to better communication and feeding skills. Excitedly, I join others in providing speech, language and feeding therapy service within the community.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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